Relocating to Akita?

Destination Guide for Akita-city, Akita Prefecture Japan, including a brief overview of Akita-city with some pictures and information about expat-related facilities.

We hope this information will be a valuable resource to expats coming to or currently residing in Akita, as well as the HR department of foreign companies.

Akita Destination Guide

Akita City is the largest city that borders the Sea of Japan in the Tohoku District. Japan’s conventional manufacturing industry (mostly in the electronic parts and device fields,) automobile industry and transportation machine related industries have their bases in Akita. The medical device and pharmaceutical fields have become more active in Akita recently helping to add to the advancement of Tohoku’s districts. Many foreign companies who have head offices outside of Akita Prefecture are placing branch offices in the Akita city as regional hubs.

The traffic and transportation infrastructure has been improved in many ways. An example of this would be, Akita’s high-speed transportation networks including; Akita Airport, Akita Shinkansen, and Akita Expressway connecting the city directly to metropolitan areas nationwide. The city is also directly connected to various major cities in the world due to its proximity to Northeast Asia. Akita Prefecture benefits from its geographical location by taking advantage of conveniences such as the air freight to Soul, Korea and marine container transportation to Pusan. Furthermore, as the Akita Port is geographically close to the Russian shore provinces, the city has been improving its port in order to act as a gateway and new international transportation base for the planned construction of an import and export route, with Russia and Europe, by utilizing the Trans-Siberian Railroad.

Akita is blessed by its natural surroundings, agricultural products, and seafood, adding to its well of resources that continue to enrich the everyday life its residents. The weather is relatively calm for being on the Northeastern Sea side of Japan. The snowfall in the winter season is fairly low when compared to other parts of Japan. A low cost for housing combined with very few crimes or traffic accidents occurring in the city lends to Akita’s comfortable and peaceful lifestyle. There are various medical facilities that offer services in foreign languages so that foreign residents who don’t speak Japanese can live without worry.

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