AJ was Featured in Mobility Magazine by Worldwide ERC

Post date: Friday, April 1, 2022

All Japan Relocation was recently featured in Mobility, a magazine published by Worldwide ERC. The article is as follows.


Creating New Value All Japan Relocation had to adapt their business model in order to survive when their traditional service model came to a halt in early 2020. Emiko Shimabukro, CEO at All Japan Relocation (West), describes their five new service offerings. These are new business lines that have been created specifically because of the global shutdowns.

1. Home Delivery of food, toiletries, amenities, and supplies for people in quarantine

2. Arrange for private transportation (booking private taxis) due to government restrictions on recent travelers using public transportation from the airports

3. Due to language barriers with local health care providers and the travelers, arranged for COVID testing and obtaining of Test Certificates

4. Created a new inspection service of houses and apartments of clients who were not allowed to return back from being overseas. The new service included opening windows to reduce moisture, removing perishable foods, watering and maintaining houseplants, and inspecting for damages after typhoons. 5. Provide online tours for housing options for new relocations using Facetime, Viber, VR, video, etc. of their preferred house.