English Maps of Kobe

When a foreign expatriate stays in Kobe for a long period of time, first of all, it is necessary to grasp the Kobe area and then search for a residence while considering the commuting route and the route for children to go to school. Among various types of maps, we would like to introduce the recommended English map of Kobe, route maps, and apps.
Hyogo prefecture Map
A map where you can see the entire Hyogo prefecture.

Official Hyogo Guidebook
A guidebook for Hyogo Prefecture issued by the Hyogo Prefecture Tourism Exchange Division. Various information such as guides and maps of various parts of Hyogo prefecture, including Kobe city, are collected.

Travel Hyogo Official Hyogo Guidebook PDF
Kobe Area Route Map
JR West Japan issue, route map in Kobe city. It is displayed mainly on the stations of the subway Seishin/Yamanote line and Kaigan line/JR line. Also includes the description of private railway lines.

West JR Kobe Area Route Map PDF
Kobe Offline Map and Travel Trip Guide for iOS
iPhone, iPad Kobe Free Wi-Fi application that displays information such as spots, stations, tourist facilities, duty-free shops, and information centers on a map for offline navigation.

Kobe Offline Map and Travel Trip Guide app for ios
Kobe Offline Map for Android
A map of Kobe that can be used online and offline for Android. Address search is also possible.